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Middle Kootenai |
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Fish: Gillnet Catch in Libby Reservoir, Rainbow Trout, 1975-2000 |
Caption: This Chart shows average number of rainbow trout caught per sinking gill net set at the Tenmile and Rexford areas of Koocanusa Reservoir for the years 1975-2000. Catches in the initial years following impoundment (1972) were high, but have since declined. According to Hoffman et al. (2000), reasons for rainbow trout decline in Koocanusa Reservoir may include reductions in hatchery stocking, migration of hatchery stock out of the reservoir into the Kootenai River, and poor habitat quality and reservoir-created barriers in tributaries. Hoffman et al. (2000) also note that competition for food with the abundant planktivores (kokanee) in the reservoir, as well as competition in tributaries with non-native brook trout, likely affects rainbow trout populations. Data were collected by the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks. See Info Links for more information.
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