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Middle Kootenai |
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Fish: Cutthroat Trout Adults at Young Creek Fish Trap, 1970-2001 |
Caption: This Chart shows the annual number of adult westslope cutthroat trout caught at the Young Creek fish trap for the years 1970-2001. The number of adults increased from 1970 to 1976, and then declined from 1977 to 2001. Data were not collected in 1978. All fish greater than 250 mm were considered to be adults. Some fish caught in 2001 may have been produced by a remote site incubator project. These data suggest a decline in west slope cutthroat trout after 1984 until none were trapped in 2002. Data are from a Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks report by Hoffman et al. (2000). See Info Links for a link to the report.
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