Area |
Freshwater Creek-Ryan Slough |
Topic |
Sediment: Freeze Core Sample Fines <1mm 1988 (Barnard) |
Caption: This chart shows a summary of freeze core results of fine sediment <1mm from Freshwater Creek as of 1988. Barnard (1992) used a freeze core sampler both inside and outside coho salmon redds to measure fine sediment as of 1988. He measured these values in winter before emergence of fry then in spring after emergence. He presented data in his thesis on fines less than 1 mm inside and outside salmon redds at nine locations in Freshwater Creek (see Info Links). Although there is some minor sampling bias from freeze cores versus McNeil or shovel samples collected by PL, these data indicate that baseline conditions before watershed disturnbace related to logging were much lower. FW = Freshwater Creek mainstem. Ab_Gr = above Graham Gulch, Ab_SF = above the South Fork, Bl_Clon = below Cloney, Bl_Mc = below McCready. See Picture for a map image of locations.
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