
Bibliography Background About KRIS

Frequently Asked Qustions about KRIS

What is the difference between the CD-based KRIS system and the on-line version?

The KRIS program, available on CD, is a powerful Windows database management program, with many tools designed for people who are not data management specialists. Tools such as HoboImport, Build Table and dynamic graphing let you easily integrate, organize and present data. The KRIS Map Viewer allows users to select themes of spatial data, similar to the program ArcView. PowerPoint or Word documents can be generated automatically from KRIS for presentations and posters. With KRIS on your hard drive, you can easily update the system contents and transmit them to others for global updating of the KRIS system from a central location. The KRIS program also includes a help system, tutorials, and advanced search tools.

The on-line version of KRIS provides access to all contents (data tables, charts, photos, maps, documents, and metadata) in the form of web pages.. The on-line versions of KRIS allow data downloads, but do not provide interactive mapping or graphing.

How is KRIS kept current with newly emerging data?

The KRIS program streamlines importing data and constructing new topics. Where template topics already exist, the creation of new topics is very efficient. New topics can be shared over the Internet via the KRIS Import/Export function. A designated KRIS hubsite administrator is responsible for reviewing and including new material in updated versions.

What is involved with the transfer of KRIS elements to Internet?

The contents of a KRIS database are transferred to the Internet using a custom program called KRIS Webbuilder. When a KRIS version is updated, the new contents are simply run through the Webbuilder and uploaded to update the web site.

How does KRIS make spatial data available?

Beginning with North Bay KRIS in 2003, all KRIS systems are integrated with GIS using the dynamic KRIS Map Viewer. The Map Viewer enables users to customize maps using a variety of functions (e.g. click on and off layers, zoom, measure, customize legends, Esc). All KRIS projects also provide spatial data created with ArcView on a companion CD, which includes an installable Arc Explorer.

How does ArcView get used with KRIS' GIS functions?

KRIS builders use ArcView to integrate spatial data. Shape files are then imported into KRIS where they are linked to spatial metadata and arranged in KRIS topics according to particular themes. Map topics are then linked to relevant data, charts, photos, text and documents. Each KRIS system includes an ArcView project in addition to a KRIS project. The ArcView project is distributed to GIS technicians who have a need for query, spatial analysis and other advanced functions.

What are the native database files for KRIS and what about compatibility?

KRIS operates with data files formatted as .dbf or .db, but data can be exported as .txt or .xls files. KRIS includes a custom tool for importing .xls files but virtually any database can be converted for inclusion in KRIS. Because the integration of data into KRIS involves the production and organization of metadata, KRIS provides the basis for information to be accessed and integrated by any individual or project. Interactive compatibility between KRIS and other information systems requires some customization.

What about quality control?

Detailed quality control procedures have been developed for producing KRIS projects. Prior to release, KRIS applications are always subject to at least one review involving data contributors. Additional reviewers may include a scientific panel or project sponsors and partners.

Is KRIS a good way to share results of watershed assessments?

Yes, KRIS makes an assessment available as a well-formatted electronic document, and presents the data upon which the assessment is based complete with other pertinent literature, photos, and GIS. Most importantly, KRIS provides a platform for easy updating of data for reassessment and adaptive management.

Where is KRIS currently being used, who are the clients, and what are the scale and scope of the projects?

Sonoma County Water Agency under the supervision of California Regional Water Quality Control Boards All information concerning limiting factors and recovery planning for anadromous fish. Five project areas covering Marin and Sonoma Counties (including the Russian River), and parts of Mendocino County.
California Department of Forestry Information on limiting factors for anadromous fish in assistance to the North Coast Watershed Assessment Program Six projects for six basins in Mendocino and Humboldt Counties: Redwood Creek and Mattole, Noyo, Big, Ten Mile, and Gualala Rivers.
Battle Creek Watershed Conservancy Platform for adaptive management including use of EMDS. Battle Creek watershed.
Kootenai River Network Pilot project for sub-basin planning. Kootenai River watershed.
Trinity County RCD Adaptive management to support Restoration Plan. Product to be released as KRIS Klamath/Trinity Version 3. Trinity River with some information about larger Klamath watershed.

What are typical timelines and costs for building a new KRIS?
The cost of building a new KRIS application is determined by the scope of targeted and available information as well as the capabilities and commitments of partnering organizations. The average cost of KRIS for watersheds 100-200 square miles has been $150,000. Those costs include managing reviews and conducting training workshops for local organizations. Cost per area decreases with increasing scale or extension to adjacent areas.

How much can cost be reduced where an organization has advanced computing/database environment?

Cost can be substantially reduced by increasing efficiency of acquiring and formatting the targeted information. While it is possible to have staff of local organizations participate in the building of KRIS, such partnerships do not substantially reduce initial costs overall. Such collaborative partnerships are effective, however, in reducing costs of maintaining KRIS by establishing local expertise.

Is there an option for a "KRIS Light", whereby a group can more easily afford the tool and expedite the sharing of a watershed assessment and supporting data?

The breadth and cost of a new KRIS application can be reduced by narrowing the scope of information. Requisite costs for technology transfer, support, and quality control are approximately $50,000 for a new project area. These services ensure that local entities can successfully maintain and update KRIS. KRIS is a singular program complete with all tools, utilities, help system, tutorials, etc. Furthermore, new utilities and program enhancements can always be made available to past project areas. There are no license or user fees for KRIS.