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KRIS Sheepscot: Meta Information Page
This page contains detailed information about a data set in KRIS, including where the original data reside and how to contact the sources for the data. Data sets are linked to the appropriate page by means of the Meta Identifier. Many data sets can be linked to same page by sharing the same Meta Identifier.
Meta Identifier IFW_stocking Type of Data Fish stocking Originator Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Description Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife maintains a digital database of which species of fish have been stocked into Maine rivers. This will be useful in KRIS for noting introductions of exotic species into the Sheepscot. Area Maine Metadata Date 6/21/2005 Metadata Contact Eli Asarian Contact Person Primary Merry Gallagher Status complete Progress Log Complete. Only 2003 data were available. Additional data may be available if requested. Lead Person Brian Woolsey Lead Organization Institute for Fisheries Resources Notes STAC Priority: High Data Set Name fish_lakestock_sheep_ifw_2003_chart.db, fish_lakestock_sheep_ifw_2003_source.db Contact Organization Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife