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Photo Pages: Meta Information
This page contains detailed information from the KRIS Photodatabase table about photos from sub-basin Basinwide / Regional and series Restoration- Buffer Planting on Sheepscot R. 2000-03.Basin | Sheepscot |
Caption | The Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association organized a large tree planting along a power line corridor in Windsor. The site, known as Maxcys Mills, was planted with 1200 low growing shrubs. A local Cub Scout troop participated in the project. Photo by M. Laser May 2000. |
CaptionTemplate | [Description] |
Category | Restoration |
Description | The Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association organized a large tree planting along a power line corridor in Windsor. The site, known as Maxcys Mills, was planted with 1200 low growing shrubs. A local Cub Scout troop participated in the project. Photo by M. Laser May 2000. |
Filename | cub_scouts_planting.jpg |
Filesize | 138040 |
Meta_Id | COMBO_pics |
Notefile | sheepscot.htm#COMBO_pics |
Path | bw/cub_scouts_planting.jpg |
Photographer | Melissa Laser |
Series | Restoration- Buffer Planting on Sheepscot R. 2000-03 |
SubBasin | Basinwide / Regional |
Basin | Sheepscot |
Caption | Norm Marcotte of the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and his daughter lent a hand on a Saturday to plant trees along the West Branch. Photo by M. Laser May 2000. |
CaptionTemplate | [Description] |
Category | Restoration |
Description | Norm Marcotte of the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and his daughter lent a hand on a Saturday to plant trees along the West Branch. Photo by M. Laser May 2000. |
Filename | dep_planting.jpg |
Filesize | 122216 |
Meta_Id | COMBO_pics |
Notefile | sheepscot.htm#COMBO_pics |
Path | bw/dep_planting.jpg |
Photographer | Melissa Laser |
Series | Restoration- Buffer Planting on Sheepscot R. 2000-03 |
SubBasin | Basinwide / Regional |
Basin | Sheepscot |
Caption | Peter Abello, then AmeriCorps Volunteer with the SVCA, leads a group of Erskine Academy students to trees waiting to be planted. Photo by M. Laser May 2000. |
CaptionTemplate | [Description] |
Category | Restoration |
Description | Peter Abello, then AmeriCorps Volunteer with the SVCA, leads a group of Erskine Academy students to trees waiting to be planted. Photo by M. Laser May 2000. |
Filename | erskine.jpg |
Filesize | 111426 |
Meta_Id | COMBO_pics |
Notefile | sheepscot.htm#COMBO_pics |
Path | bw/erskine.jpg |
Photographer | Melissa Laser |
Series | Restoration- Buffer Planting on Sheepscot R. 2000-03 |
SubBasin | Basinwide / Regional |
Basin | Sheepscot |
Caption | Using trees from the Sheepscot Tree Bank, volunteers planted trees at the Happy Farm in Whitefield. The Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association organized the event to re-establish a buffer along the main stem of the Sheepscot River. Photo by SVCA May 2003. |
CaptionTemplate | [Description] |
Category | Restoration |
Description | Using trees from the Sheepscot Tree Bank, volunteers planted trees at the Happy Farm in Whitefield. The Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association organized the event to re-establish a buffer along the main stem of the Sheepscot River. Photo by SVCA May 2003. |
Filename | happy_farm.jpg |
Filesize | 38689 |
Meta_Id | COMBO_pics |
Notefile | sheepscot.htm#COMBO_pics |
Path | bw/happy_farm.jpg |
Series | Restoration- Buffer Planting on Sheepscot R. 2000-03 |
SubBasin | Basinwide / Regional |
Basin | Sheepscot |
Caption | In combination with an NRCS EQUIP project to fence cows out of the West Branch and provide an alternate watering source, 500 trees were planted along the stream bank to re-establish the buffer. Photo by M. Laser May 2001. |
CaptionTemplate | [Description] |
Category | Restoration |
Description | In combination with an NRCS EQUIP project to fence cows out of the West Branch and provide an alternate watering source, 500 trees were planted along the stream bank to re-establish the buffer. Photo by M. Laser May 2001. |
Filename | oliver7a.jpg |
Filesize | 71473 |
Meta_Id | COMBO_pics |
Notefile | sheepscot.htm#COMBO_pics |
Path | bw/oliver7a.jpg |
Photographer | Melissa Laser |
Series | Restoration- Buffer Planting on Sheepscot R. 2000-03 |
SubBasin | Basinwide / Regional |
Basin | Sheepscot |
Caption | The Sheepscot River Watershed Council established a tree bank in 2001 on the site of the old landfill in the Town of Windsor. The tree bank began with trees from the American Tree Foundation and the Maine Department of Transportation. Volunteers from the SRWC and students from Windsor Elementary School planted bare root stock in containers and covered the pots with mulch. Photo by M. Laser May 2001. |
CaptionTemplate | [Description] |
Category | Restoration |
Description | The Sheepscot River Watershed Council established a tree bank in 2001 on the site of the old landfill in the Town of Windsor. The tree bank began with trees from the American Tree Foundation and the Maine Department of Transportation. Volunteers from the SRWC and students from Windsor Elementary School planted bare root stock in containers and covered the pots with mulch. Photo by M. Laser May 2001. |
Filename | sheepscot_nursery2.jpg |
Filesize | 92834 |
Meta_Id | COMBO_pics |
Notefile | sheepscot.htm#COMBO_pics |
Path | bw/sheepscot_nursery2.jpg |
Photographer | Melissa Laser |
Series | Restoration- Buffer Planting on Sheepscot R. 2000-03 |
SubBasin | Basinwide / Regional |
Basin | Sheepscot |
Caption | In 2002 additional trees were supplied by the Maine Department of Transportation and the Kennebec County Soil and Water Conservation District. Several hardy volunteers came out on a rainy day in May to pot the bare root stock, adding to the bank of available trees. Photo by M. Laser May 2002. |
CaptionTemplate | [Description] |
Category | Restoration |
Description | In 2002 additional trees were supplied by the Maine Department of Transportation and the Kennebec County Soil and Water Conservation District. Several hardy volunteers came out on a rainy day in May to pot the bare root stock, adding to the bank of available trees. Photo by M. Laser May 2002. |
Filename | tree_bank.jpg |
Filesize | 117838 |
Meta_Id | COMBO_pics |
Notefile | sheepscot.htm#COMBO_pics |
Path | bw/tree_bank.jpg |
Photographer | Melissa Laser |
Series | Restoration- Buffer Planting on Sheepscot R. 2000-03 |
SubBasin | Basinwide / Regional | |