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Area |
Upper Noyo |
Topic |
Fish: CDFG Redwood Creek 1967 Net Samples |
Caption: California Department of Fish and Game staff surveyed Redwood Creek on September 18, 1967 and netted 112 coho salmon juveniles and 495 steelhead trout. Stickleback were also captured. The report noted that: "Provides the Noyo River system with 1.05 miles of excellent spawning grounds, 0.68 miles of fair spawning grounds, and 4.0 miles of good nursery area for steel-head and silver salmon." Some steelhead up to seven inches were present indicating at least yearling and probably 2+ age class. Coho noted as "deep bodied" or having good fitness. Pools constituted approximately 70% of the habitat at the time of this survey. See InfoLinks for more information and for a link to the CDFG Stream Survey from which this data was taken. Yellow-legged frogs were noted in the survey reach.
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