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Area |
South Fork |
Topic |
Fish: CDFG Kass Creek 1967 Net Samples |
Caption: California Department of Fish and Game staff surveyed Kass Creek on September 26, 1967 and netted 408 coho salmon juveniles, and no other fish species. While coho salmon juveniles were characterized as well proportioned, they were thought to be somewhat under-sized. CDFG stated that Kass Creek "provides the Noyo River system with 1.13 miles of excellent spawning habitat for silver salmon only." Pools constituted much of the habitat with substrate made up of: "boulders 5%, fine rubble 20%, coarse gravel 40%, fine gravel 35%." CDFG noted that sediment from logging activity forced the stream flow underground which isolated the pools and made emigration of juvenile coho problematic. See InfoLinks for more information and for a link to the CDFG Stream Survey from which this data was taken.
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