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 You selected the area Basinwide and the topic Map: 1H USFS Riparian Veg Size, Navarro Project Area  
This is a map of 1994 USFS Landsat vegetation size data within 90-meter riparian buffer zones in the KRIS Navarro Project Area. Agricultural areas and streams draining melange on the eastern basin border have Non-Forest signatures. Saplings (yellow) are trees less than five inches diameter and may represent oak woodlands or early seral stage conditions after timber harvest. There are few trees over 40 inches (Very Large/Giant) due to past timber harvests. Data provided by the U.S. Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region Remote Sensing Lab, Sacramento, CA. Scale = 1:428,530 .

 To view metadata about a map layer, click on a link in the table below.
Name of Layer in Map LegendMetadata File Name
Sub-basins (no labels) subbasins.shp.txt
Project Frame Unavailable
USFS Riparian Veg Size vegsizebuf.tif.txt
USFS Vegetation Size vegsize.tif.txt
Topo Map (1:24k scale) Unavailable
Graycale Hillshade (TIFF) grayscale_xnv_light.tif.txt
Project Background Unavailable