Area |
Southern Mattole |
Topic |
Sediment: Fines <0.86 mm Mattole South Subbasin, 1990 |
Caption: The chart above shows the percent fine sediment less than 0.86 mm for September 1990 wet sieve McNeil bulk gravel samples in the upper Mattole River and Lost Man Creek. Bars represent the average of three McNeil cores at a station and whiskers represent standard deviation. All sites except Lost_Man are on the Mattole River and are listed in sequence, with the furthest downstream site on the far right. The reference value of 14% is derived from Kondolf (2000) and is indicative of 50% salmonid egg and alevin mortality. See Chart Table for site locations. Data from report by Larry Preston, California Department of Fish and Game. See Info Links for more information.
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