Area |
Northern Mattole |
Topic |
Habitat: Canopy by Type for Northern Tribs |
Caption: Northern Mattole streams were found to have 27-85% open canopy when surveyed by CDFG sometime between 1991-1999 (see Chart Table for survey dates). Sulphur Creek and its tributary were found to have markedly greater total canopy and coniferous canopy that other streams of this subbasin. Oil Creek, Rattlesnake Creek, Conklin Creek, and Devils Creek all less than 5% coniferous canopy. Smaller streams naturally provide more canopy cover. Stream order was used to arrange reaches from top (higher order; large) to bottom (lower order; small) because drainage area was not available. Small streams with greater than 20% open canopy are considered unsuitable for maintaining cool water temperatures necessary for salmonid rearing. Click on Info Links for more information.
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