Area |
Eastern Mattole |
Topic |
Habitat: Embeddedness Ratings for Eastern Tribs |
Caption: The above chart shows cobble embeddedness ratings for streams in the Eastern Mattole Subbasin surveyed by CDFG , 1991-1999 (see Chart Table for survey dates). Numbers of pools tails scored with each embeddedness category are shown on the chart. Categories 3 and 4 (>50% cobble embeddedness) indicate unsuitable spawning habitat due to high percent fine sediment. These visual estimates are somewhat subjective, and may not generate reliable comparisons of habitat quality among streams surveyed by different observers as is the case for the Mattole. See Info Links for more information.
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hab_mat_ea_strm_m.dbf (size 10,000 bytes) .
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hab_mattole_streamsum_m.dbf (size 29,582 bytes)