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Kootenay Lake |
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Flow: Pre/Post Libby Dam Comparison - Kootenai R at Bonner's Ferry, ID |
Caption: This chart compares mean monthly flows in the Kootenai River at Bonner's Ferry for three time periods that are related to the construction and mitigation of Libby dam. Time periods include pre-dam construction (1928-1972), post-dam construction (1973-1990) and post-dam construction with the implementation of augmented flows (1991-1999). The natural hydrograph peaked during April through July due to snowmelt runoff. The construction of Libby dam significantly altered the natural hydrograph by reducing the peak flows and adding a second peak during winter. Flow augmentation was first implemented in 1991 to improve white sturgeon spawning and recruitment (Paragamian, et al, 2001). Data comes from Idaho Department of Fish and Game. See Info Links for more information.
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