Area |
Middle Kootenai |
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Fish: Spawner Surveys in Pipe Creek, Bull Trout Redds, 1990-2000 |
Caption: This Chart shows spawner survey data collected by the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks in Pipe Creek for the years 1990-2000. The Chart displays the number of bull trout redds and the number of miles surveyed in each year. The number of bull trout redds observed annually has increased substantially in recent years. Only seven miles of the original 13.5 miles surveyed appear to have adequate bull trout spawning habitat; those portions of the stream are the only areas presently surveyed. See Info Links to see the Hoffman et al. (2000) report that is the source of this data.
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spawn_koot_libby_83_00_source.db (size 18,432 bytes)