Area |
Freshwater Creek-Ryan Slough |
Topic |
Sediment: Suspended Sed. vs. Turbidity at Lwr Freshwater Cr (HHB) 2005 |
Caption: This chart shows turbidity vs. suspended sediment concentration for the turbidity threshold sampling station in lower Freshwater Creek (site HHB) at Howard Heights Bridge, for hydrologic year 2005. Salmon Forever's Watershed Watch program collected and processed the data. See Picture for Salmon Forever's chart and regression equation. See Info Links for more information.
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sed_labsed_salmonforever_hhb_2005_exclude_outliers.db (size 133,120 bytes) To download the table with the chart's data as an Excel spreadsheet, click
sed_labsed_salmonforever_hhb_2005_exclude_outliers.db.xls (size 91,680 bytes) .