Area |
Freshwater Creek-Ryan Slough |
Topic |
Fish: Downstream Migrants (Salmonids Only) Mainstem Above SF 2004 |
Caption: This Chart shows salmonids by age class trapped on the upper mainstem Freshwater Creek above the South Fork (SH = steelhead, CTT = coastal cutthroat trout). Data were provided as part of a California Department of Fish and Game report (Ricker 2005) and other results from Freshwater Creek and tributary traps in 2004 are available in the Chart Table. Data collection is cooperatively supported by the Humboldt Fish Action Council, AmeriCorps Stewards Project, PALCO and the Institute for River Ecosystems at Humboldt State. See Info Links for access to more years of CDFG data and reports.
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cdfg_dwnj_mig_2004.dbf.xls (size 4,608 bytes) .