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KRIS West Marin-Sonoma: Picture Page
Area | S Marin/Redwood Creek |
Topic | Tour: Easkoot Creek Fish Passage Restoration Project 1998-1999 |
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Easkoot Creek, a tributary of Bolinas Lagoon, had fish passage problems related to this concrete apron below a small impoundment, which shows in the photo taken looking upstream. This site was later treated with rock weirs to form jump pools and allow adult steelhead passage. No coho salmon are known to use Easkoot Creek at present. Photo provided courtesy of Tony Lewis and provided by the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. September 12, 1998.
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This photo was taken looking upstream on Easkoot Creek just above the Highway 1 Bridge by the Community Center and shows another potential barrier to fish passage before treatment. Photo provided courtesy of Tony Lewis and provided by the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. September 12, 1998.
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Volunteers use equipment to notch the potential barrier made of concrete filled sacks on Easkoot Creek. This photo was taken looking upstream on Easkoot Creek just above the Highway 1 Bridge by the Community Center. Photo provided courtesy of Tony Lewis and provided by the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. September 12, 1998.
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The picture above shows the concrete dam after notching and after step weirs made of boulders had been installed to help facilitate adult steelhead passage on Easkoot Creek. Photo was taken looking upstream just above the Highway 1 Bridge by the Community Center. Photo provided courtesy of Tony Lewis and provided by the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. September 12, 1998.
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The picture above shows Easkoot Creek near the Community Center looking upstream after the notching of the dam and placement of large boulder weirs. The latter create steps in the creek which adult steelhead can easily jump. Photo provided courtesy of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
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Close up of modified barrier on Easkoot Creek with the notched dam and boulder weir jump pools. Adult steelhead could easily move upstream in flows shown in the picture. Photo provided courtesy of Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
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Looking downstream on Easkoot Creek at another modified reach where passage of adult steelhead has been improved. Photo provided courtesy of Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
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Small waterfall on Easkoot Creek now easily passable by adult steelhead after modification. Photo provided courtesy of Golden Gate National Recreation Area. |