Caption: The graph shows the average estimated number of juvenile salmonids per 100 feet at several sites in Redwood Creek during October 2000. The length of the surveys is on the axis at right and sites on the X-axis are in downstream order to the right. This year class of juvenile coho salmon was extremely weak, with overall density lower than all previous years of sampling. It was also weak in 1988 and 1994, but recovered to about one-half strength in 1997. Steelhead trout young-of-year density was similar to previous non-drought years, however steelhead yearling density was greater. There was a delay in winter storms and subsequent channel-forming flood events this year and note that the 1997 (parental) year class experienced El NiƱo conditions during overwintering (Smith, 2001). Data collected by the Golden Gate National Recreation Area and Dr. Jerry J. Smith of San Jose State University. See Picture for a map of the sampling sites and Info Links for more information.