Area |
S Marin/Redwood Creek |
Topic |
Fish: Redwood Creek Juvenile Salmonid Abundance (Fish/100ft) 1992 |
Caption: This graph shows the average estimated number of juvenile salmonids per 100 feet at several sites in Redwood Creek during 1992. Downstream sites are to the right on the chart. Sampling at these sites occurred a couple months apart, generally from July through November. Sites 2 and 5 were only sampled once in August and September, respectively, while Sites 6 and 7 were sampled twice, and Site 8 was sampled three times. The values for coho salmon and steelhead trout young-of-year declined at Sites 6-8 with each sampling, with no salmonids found at Site 8 in November. Note that values for Site 8 are actual capture totals, not densities. In September, streamflow in these downstream areas was reduced to isolated pools with little or no surface flow and low dissolved oxygen. In addition, at Site 8 from July through September water temperatures probably exceeded 20 degrees C on clear, warm days (Smith, 1994b). Data were collected by Dr. Jerry J. Smith of San Jose State University for the California Department of Transportation, District IV and the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. See Picture for a map of the sampling sites and Info Links for more information.
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fish_redwood_smithsum_1992_2001.xls.db (size 16,384 bytes)