Area |
S Marin/Redwood Creek |
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Fish: Redwood Creek 1979 Electrofishing Catch |
Caption: This graph shows results from an electrofishing survey in Redwood Creek on August 15, 1979. Only steelhead trout (0+ years, 1+ years and older) and sculpin were captured. Coho are noted by their absence. The reach measured at Station 1 was approximately 700 feet and immediately downstream from the Dipsea Trail pedestrian bridge and upstream from the Frank Valley Road Bridge in Muir Woods National Monument (Stream mile 3.1). The reach measured at Station 2 was approximately 700 feet and immediately upstream from the Muir Beach Road Bridge (Stream mile 0.5). At both stations, stream flow was visually estimated at 0.2 cfs and water temperature was measured at 58°F. In addition, the shocking times for Stations 1 and 2 were 2030 and 1950 seconds, respectively. These data were not collected using block nets and multiple pass electrofishing and cannot be used to calculate the total population of fish in this area. Data were collected by the California Department of Fish and Game.
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