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KRIS West Marin-Sonoma: Chart Page

Area S Marin/Redwood Creek
Topic Fish: Redwood Creek 1977 Electrofishing Catch
Caption:  This graph shows results from electrofishing in Redwood Creek on July 13, 1977. Juvenile steelhead and juvenile coho salmon were approximately equal in abundance. The reach surveyed was a 200-foot stream section below Muir Woods Road bridge. Streamflows of 0.102 cfs and water temperature of 54蚌 were measured 100 feet south of this bridge. The reaches downstream of this sampling area, below Highway 1, had intermittent flow and stagnant pools with no fish life. Note that the precise methods of electrofishing for this survey were not recorded, and data cannot be used to calculate the total population of fish in this area. Data were collected by the California Department of Fish and Game.

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