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KRIS West Marin-Sonoma: Meta Information Page
This page contains detailed information about a data set in KRIS, including where the original data reside and how to contact the sources for the data. Data sets are linked to the appropriate page by means of the Meta Identifier. Many data sets can be linked to same page by sharing the same Meta Identifier.
Meta Identifier GOGAspawner Type of Data Salmonid spawning Originator Golden Gate National Recreation Area, NPS Description Live and carcass salmonid counts using sampling protocol developed for the Redwood Creek watershed in Humboldt County, Redwood National Park, by Dave Anderson and others were followed as closely as possible in Redwood Creek, southern Marin County. Emphasis in these studies was placed on coho salmon. Surveys were conducted approximately every two weeks during the coho salmon spawning period and generally required two consecutive days to complete. Survey areas included 6.7 km of Redwood Creek, starting approximately 140 meters below the Pacific Way bridge to .5 km above Bridge 4 in Muir Woods, and 1 km of Fern Creek from its confluence with Redwood Creek. See reports for details. Area Redwood Creek watershed Metadata Date 9/25/01 Metadata Contact Summer Morlock Contact Person Primary Darren Fong Status complete Receipt Log Have hard copy and electronic copy of reports and data. Notes Spawning surveys also conducted in Redwood Creek from 1997 on as a part of the Coho Steelhead Restoration Project (see metadata record NPSspawner) Data Set Name fish_redwood_spawn_cdfgnps_1969_2002.xls.db, fish_spawnraw_redwood_goga_1994_1995.dbf, fish_spawnraw_redwood_goga_1995_1996.dbf, fish_spawnraw_redwood_goga_1996_1997.dbf, fish_spawnsumdate_redwood_goga_1994_1995.dbf, fish_spawnsumdate_redwood_goga_1995_1996.dbf, fish_spawnsumdate_redwood_goga_1996_1997.dbf, fish_spawnsumstation_redwood_goga_1994_1995.dbf, fish_spawnsumstation_redwood_goga_1995_1996.dbf, fish_spawnsumstation_redwood_goga_1996_1997.dbf Date of Content Start 12/8/94 Date of Content End 1/30/97 Maint. and Update Freq. annual Purpose To develop an index of annual escapement of coho salmon for analysis of long-term trends, to gather distributional information of spawning coho, to determine population characteristics of returning coho adults including size, age, and sex, and to measure certain hydrologic conditions related to salmon run. Data Quality Information Calibration of walking counts was not conducted and the frequency of surveys (approximately two weeks) is lower than recommended for carcass counts (3-4 days). Use Constraints No estimate of adult spawning population was estimated. Carcass counts may be underestimated. Supplemental Information For metadata regarding California Department of Fish and Game 1969, 1977-78, and 1985-86 spawner surveys as referenced in topic Fish: 1969,1977,1985,1994-2002 Redwood Creek Spawner Coho Salmon PLD see CDFGspawner meta record. Counties Marin Title 1994-1995 Redwood Creek Spawner and Carcass Survey Other Citation Details Survey reports also available for 1995-1996 and 1996-1997. Contact Organization Golden Gate National Recreation Area Contact Address Building 1061, Fort Cronkhite Contact City Sausalito Contact State CA Contact Zip Code 94965 Contact Voice Telephone (415) 331-8716 Contact Fax (415) 331-0851 Contact Email