Area |
Lagunitas Creek |
Topic |
Fish: Abundance (Fish/30m) Juvenile Coho in Lagunitas Creek 1993-2000 |
This is a map of Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) electrofishing monitoring sites in the Lagunitas Creek sub-basin. Click
the check box next to a layer to toggle it on/off. Other available layers include temperature, woody debris, redds, stream gradient,
and erosion sites. Scale = 1:119,274 .
To view metadata about a map layer, click on a link in the table below.Name of Layer in Map Legend | Metadata File Name |
Electrofishing Sites (MMWD) | juvsites.shp.txt |
Subbasins (no labels) | subbasins.shp.txt |
Frame Project Outline | Unavailable |
Streams (1:24k scale) | streams24.shp.txt |
Lakes and Reservoirs (MMWD) | Unavailable |
Topo Map, South (1:24k scale) | Unavailable |
Elevation (10 m resolution) | elev10.tif.txt |