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KRIS West Marin-Sonoma: Chart Source Table Page

Area Lagunitas Creek
Topic WQ: Fecal Coliform in Olema Creek 1999-2001

Caption:  The Source Table wq_all_avgmaxmin_pore_1999_2001.xls.db shows the average, maximum, minimum, and for some data 90th percentile for water quality parameters measured in tributaries of Lagunitas Creek and on the Point Reyes Peninsula from 1999-2001. The columns in the table include the number of samples taken (NOSAMPLES), water temperature in degrees Celsius (TEMP), specific conductance in 猶/cm at 25蚓 (COND), salinity in ppt (SAL), pH (PH), dissolved oxygen in mg/L (DO), nitrate in mg/L (NIT), orthophosphorous in mg/L (OPHOS), ammonia in mg/L (AMM), total suspended solids in mg/L (TSS), total coliform in MPN/100ml (TOTCOL), and fecal coliform in MPN/100ml (FECALCOL). The raw data for each sample date can be found in NPS, 2001. These data were collected by the Point Reyes National Seashore of the National Park Service.

 50 rows of a possible 229 have been displayed.
Lagunitas CreekOLM10Olema Creek - below Stewart's Pasture1999-2001912.216.28.3216336420.
Lagunitas CreekOLM11Olema Creek - Bear Valley Bridge1999-20011111.7168.3238372950.
Lagunitas CreekOLM5Olema Creek - Vedanta Creek1999-20011012.616.68.62803711730.
Lagunitas CreekOLM12Olema Creek - above Vedanta Bridge1999-2001811.7168.22253411030.
Lagunitas CreekOLM4Olema Creek - Quarry Gulch1999-20011111.515.67.6163217970.
Lagunitas CreekOLM13Olema Creek - Truttman Gulch1999-2001811.113.78.32253501010.
Lagunitas CreekOLM16Olema Creek - Building 1682000-2001710.812.68.52093331080.
Lagunitas CreekOLM14Olema Creek - Five Brooks1999-2001810.914.78.6198320910.
Lagunitas CreekOLM2Olema Creek - Giacomini Gulch1999-20011010.714.48.2150277780.10.1088.67.61011.56.50.811.
Lagunitas CreekOLM1Olema Creek - John West Fork1999-20011211.215.18.9148214810.
Lagunitas CreekOLM15Olema Creek - above John West Fork1999-200181115.38.3202316940.10.2088.37.69.811.47.60.360.730.
Lagunitas CreekOLM3Olema Creek - Randall Gulch2000-2001711.715.89.4971138200.
Lagunitas CreekOLM18Olema Creek - Randall2000-2001599.98.11481671290.
Lagunitas CreekLAG1Bear Valley1999-200191216.59.52993402350.
Lagunitas CreekLAG2Cheda Creek1999-20011312.618.68.72953941310.
Lagunitas CreekLAG3Devils Gulch1999-2001911.115.68.82623651540.
Drakes EsteroDES2East Scnooner1999-200191114.18.92463181570.
Drakes EsteroDES3Home Ranch1999-2001912.816.38.92483371440.
Drakes EsteroDES4Muddy Hollow1999-2001912.115.19.12813491810.
Drakes EsteroDES5Laguna Creek1999-2001910.713.48.53814822080.
Drakes BayDBY1C-Ranch200121112.89.21048108910060.
Drakes BayDBY2B-Ranch2001211.815.38.32134294113271.
Drakes BayDBY3A-Ranch1999-20011111.915.27.7122019126720.710.
Kehoe CreekPAC1South Kehoe1999-20011211.514.57.34536232980.
Kehoe CreekPAC2North Kehoe1999-20011211.513.885828163390.
Kehoe CreekPAC2ANorth Kehoe Ranch (farm)2001311.314.38.3112619105380.510.
Abbotts LagoonABB1Abbotts Perennial2000-2001910.613.27.72523601620.
Abbotts LagoonABB2McClures Ranch2001211.912.511.33423842990.

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